加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) - 西安 - 中国

加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) 西安

加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) - 西安

加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) (Xi'an Jialili Hotel (Second Fengcheng Road library subway station))
地址: 凤城二路16号(市图书馆斜对面)
西安, 陝西, 710016

住宿类型: 酒店
加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) 价格和预订
- 预订房间


加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) - Xian 描述
Xi 'an jialili hotel on fengcheng second road city library subway station store is located in the downtown area of the north of the city, subway line 2, is tailored for business people to build a fast chain hotel.

Xian hotel chain of galilee FengCheng 2 subway station shop city library to the characteristics of modern, comfortable, value, contracted design style and luxurious whole bath facilities, you tried to create elegant hotel atmosphere and comfortable sleep environment and convenient business club, to pay attention to each guest to check in feelings, make it easy for your business trip is convenient, easy to face the challenges of the future.

The hotel provides broadband and WIFI Internet access, 24-hour hot water, independent air-conditioning and other guest facilities, so that you can truly experience professional services; 24-hour security monitoring, electronic door locks, so that you can sleep in peace of mind!

加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) - Xian 将自己归类为 2 星级酒店
注意 请注意,许多国家/地区的酒店都对星级进行了慷慨的解释。
加利利连锁酒店(西安凤城二路市图书馆地铁站店) - Xian 设施
注意 请注意,这些在发布时被认为是正确的,但可能不再可用。 如果任何设施对您来说是绝对必要的,请在预订时确认。 请不要假设所有费用都包含在房费内。\
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